I am Sarah, and I have a tendency to negativity and paranoia. This blog is an attempt to identify at least one thing every day for which I should be thankful... I aim to make myself happier!
Tuesday, 30 July 2013
Right, I'm off to India tomorrow so won't be around for a while. Today I went out for the day with the house sitters - my daughter's father and his family. We went on a boat trip and saw a dolphin playing alongside the boat. Nothing like a dolphin to lighten the mood!
Monday, 29 July 2013
A couple of days with the ex-husband and his family before I go away to India with my daughter and his eldest with his wife. They are staying in the house and looking after the cat while we are away, so result there!
Yesterday was a bit of a blur of tidying etc., but today was lovely. The happiest point was going for a walk around the OtterTrail at Cardigan Wildlife Centre - the weather was lovely and it's a happy walk anyway. We saw a heron from the Heron Hide (does what it says on the tin...) and a long look at water buffalo. Their 7 year old also asked me what my favourite Hindu god was... I love a good random question!
Saturday, 27 July 2013
Friends and haircuts
Two things made me happy today. First, I had a hair appointment. I had decided to go a bit blonder (hides the grey better!) so I had a long discussion with my hairdresser about how best to go about this on my very short hair. I have been going to the same hairdresser for years, and I have a history of wanting quite drastic changes and of being happy to let her decide what is best. She still felt the need to ask whether I would be shocked if it was a lot blonder. Erm...no. That's what I want! Actually, it has turned out not as blonde as I envisaged - I still like it though. I seem to be easily bored by my hair and like a change, so I am pleased about the new colour.
After I had had my hair done, I met a friend and colleague for coffee. She has not been well and has been off work for a couple of months. Today she seemed much better, and her voice, which has been missing for most of her illness had almost returned. We spent an hour or so drinking coffee and catching up. It is hard to beat meeting good friends as a way to raise your spirits!
After I had had my hair done, I met a friend and colleague for coffee. She has not been well and has been off work for a couple of months. Today she seemed much better, and her voice, which has been missing for most of her illness had almost returned. We spent an hour or so drinking coffee and catching up. It is hard to beat meeting good friends as a way to raise your spirits!
Friday, 26 July 2013
Sunshine and Cider.
A bit of a busier day today sorting out stuff for the India trip - shopping, taking an itinerary to the parents and so on.
Decided to go to the pub for food and a couple of drinks with the daughter. It was a beautiful evening and the food was pretty good too. We had antipasti, garlic bread, chips and salad along with plenty of pear cider and a beautiful view. A simple good thing which does not needing writing - here's a picture:
Thursday, 25 July 2013
Lazy day...
I have had a really lazy day today, not getting dressed until after lunch. It was great to be able to do this rather than go to work. I haven't really done anything today, so it is tricky to find a good thing to write about! However, I have messed about on the computer for ages and watched some telly, sorted out some washing and cleaned the kitchen and bathroom. It was lovely to have the daughter help with that without being asked. My main rooms are now tidy and organised and that is making me feel generally pretty good.
I really need to sort out lists of things to do and what to pack for my India holiday - it need thought as we have a 15kg luggage limit and a variety of activities when we are away. I will do those things tomorrow, and probably go shopping and to sort out my mobile for abroad too. Nothing else to write really! Sorry to be deeply boring...
I really need to sort out lists of things to do and what to pack for my India holiday - it need thought as we have a 15kg luggage limit and a variety of activities when we are away. I will do those things tomorrow, and probably go shopping and to sort out my mobile for abroad too. Nothing else to write really! Sorry to be deeply boring...
Wednesday, 24 July 2013
Let me eat cake!
First day of the holidays! I woke early as usual but it was absolutely lovely not to have to rush out if bed and get ready. I did get up at about 7.30, but was able to have quiet cup of tea, watch some stuff on my Sky planner and Mumsnet a bit. Small pleasures!

On the way home I called at my aged parents and sorted out their Internet needs and cheered mum up with some Peanut Brittle I had seen in town. Good deeds for the day - check!
Later, I went into town with the daughter and bought myself some new underwear from my friend Wendy Knickers (not her real name...) and went for coffee and cake. The remains are in the picture. Definitely something to be happy about!

On the way home I called at my aged parents and sorted out their Internet needs and cheered mum up with some Peanut Brittle I had seen in town. Good deeds for the day - check!
Daughter and I then tidied up the mess which tiredness at the end of term had wrought on the living room. Virtuous much?
So, several things to make me feel good...
Tuesday, 23 July 2013
I was a bit low yesterday so struggled to find my good thing or the energy to write about it if I had. I think this was down to the surreal weekend and resultant tiredness.
Today I have no difficulty finding a good thing! It is the end of term, the start of the summer holidays and, if that were not enough, the sun is shining. The resulting cold beer-and-kindle experience has made me feel happy and relaxed (if still a bit knackered!). Here is my view:
I am going to get a Mexican takeaway again later, so that will be another happy moment, and I am generally pretty chilled at the prospect of 5 and a half weeks away from work. I'm starting to get really excited about my upcoming trip to India with the daughter and her half sister, too. I feel pretty good today!
Sunday, 21 July 2013
Theatrical life.
I didn't get a chance to post yesterday as it was a bit full on! I have been staying at the ex-husband's house as he has written a musical and we (me, daughter, daughter's friend) were going to see its first performance. It is a bit odd staying with him and his wife and kids, particularly as his wife was the 'other woman' in our break up, but I have got over myself about that after so many years. Anyway, the show was excellent - really funny and engaging. Trouble is, somewhat ironically considering what I wrote in my first blog post, it featured a couple with a (slightly) unfaithful husband! A bit close to home at some points, and I got a stomach lurch or two. However, it was still a generally uplifting experience and it was lovely to see my daughter so proud of her dad. An old friend was in the cast, so I got an opportunity to catch up with him, too, and his admiration of the way I get on with the ex was cheering. We went out for curry afterwards and I wasn't in bed until 2am, so I am a bit knackered to say the least.
Today I have driven home (4 hours) with the daughter and friend playing young people's music in the car. Daughter has an iPod I can get along with, but the friend's was a bit trickier! Before leaving, though, I had chance to catch up with a very well established (trying to avoid the word 'old') friend, Helen. We met at Primary School but don't get many opportunities to meet up these days. We had a cup of tea and a good old chat and moan - very cheering is a good moan!
I took some pictures of Lichfield cathedral when we were there yesterday intending to post them here, but I haven't got them onto m y computer yet. Oh well. Anyway, I have poured myself some wine to help me get over the weekend, so I'll go off and drink that now...
Today I have driven home (4 hours) with the daughter and friend playing young people's music in the car. Daughter has an iPod I can get along with, but the friend's was a bit trickier! Before leaving, though, I had chance to catch up with a very well established (trying to avoid the word 'old') friend, Helen. We met at Primary School but don't get many opportunities to meet up these days. We had a cup of tea and a good old chat and moan - very cheering is a good moan!
I took some pictures of Lichfield cathedral when we were there yesterday intending to post them here, but I haven't got them onto m y computer yet. Oh well. Anyway, I have poured myself some wine to help me get over the weekend, so I'll go off and drink that now...
Friday, 19 July 2013
Teenage heroes
A short post today as I am on my phone and I struggle to type on it! I am away for the weekend with the daughter and her friend. We are going to watch the premier of musical written by her dad tomorrow, so that may well be tomorrow's good thing (here's hoping, anyway!)
Teenagers have given me several moments of positivity today. They get a bad press and I often moan about them, but every now and then they really impress me. We have a bit of a hard year at school this year, with three families losing their mothers to cancer. One of them decided to raise money for the organisations which had supported them, so today in 30 degree heat teams of Y10 pupils pushed a hospital bed. They were respectful and supportive and altogether lovely!
I am now sitting on the shade listening to some very talented teenagers singing musical theatre ( it's a rehearsal, not random singing!).
I could really do with it being the end of term, but the teenagers have cheered me up!
Thursday, 18 July 2013
One good thing...
I am a bit of a negativity junkie. When your teenage daughter keeps telling you not to worry, you begin to think you have a problem - she is the one who should have angst! I am aware on one, quite cerebral, level, that I am lucky - I live in a beautiful place, I have a beautiful (and apparently well-adjusted) daughter, I have a job, generally good health, my family are close by and I have good friends.
However, on an emotional level I find it hard to appreciate all of this. After a bout of depression following my divorce, I am constantly aware of my negative thoughts. It is almost as though defending myself against depression is removing the joy from my life. Don't get me wrong - I have a good time. I laugh a lot. But it doesn't always seem to percolate to my core, if you see what I mean.
So, I am going to try to blog most days (not setting myself up to fail - I might not make it every day...) about things which have made me happy, or for which I should be thankful. I have a feeling that most days have at least one of these. Some posts may be a little underwhelming, but that's how it goes with life.
I will post photos of happy times, too, but not in this post. I have been thinking about starting this blog for a week or so, so I am going to list some of my 'reasons to be cheerful' recently:
However, on an emotional level I find it hard to appreciate all of this. After a bout of depression following my divorce, I am constantly aware of my negative thoughts. It is almost as though defending myself against depression is removing the joy from my life. Don't get me wrong - I have a good time. I laugh a lot. But it doesn't always seem to percolate to my core, if you see what I mean.
So, I am going to try to blog most days (not setting myself up to fail - I might not make it every day...) about things which have made me happy, or for which I should be thankful. I have a feeling that most days have at least one of these. Some posts may be a little underwhelming, but that's how it goes with life.
I will post photos of happy times, too, but not in this post. I have been thinking about starting this blog for a week or so, so I am going to list some of my 'reasons to be cheerful' recently:
- walking on the Otter Trail while my daughter was at zumba - beautiful sunshine, shady path
- Mexican takeaway in the sun on my balcony
- sun on my balcony in general!
- visiting my niece and her partner at their campsite and looking at the sea while eating a picnic
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