Thursday, 18 July 2013

One good thing...

I am a bit of a negativity junkie.   When your teenage daughter keeps telling you not to worry, you begin to think you have a problem - she is the one who should have angst!  I am aware on one, quite cerebral, level, that I am lucky - I live in a beautiful place, I have a beautiful (and apparently well-adjusted) daughter, I have a job, generally good health, my family are close by and I have good friends.
However, on an emotional level I find it hard to appreciate all of this.  After a bout of depression following my divorce, I am constantly aware of my negative thoughts.  It is almost as though defending myself against depression is removing the joy from my life.  Don't get me wrong - I have a good time.  I laugh a lot.  But it doesn't always seem to percolate to my core, if you see what I mean.  

So, I am going to try to blog most days (not setting myself up to fail - I might not make it every day...) about things which have made me happy, or for which I should be thankful.  I have a feeling that most days have at least one of these.  Some posts may be a little underwhelming, but that's how it goes with life.

I will post photos of happy times, too, but not in this post.  I have been thinking about starting this blog for a week or so, so I am going to list some of my 'reasons to be cheerful' recently:
  • walking on the Otter Trail while my daughter was at zumba - beautiful sunshine, shady path
  • Mexican takeaway in the sun on my balcony
  • sun on my balcony in general!
  • visiting my niece and her partner at their campsite and looking at the sea while eating a picnic
There we go - happy things in my life.  I'll be back soon!

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